Today is my brain injury anniversary date. December 2, 2007 began the path that led to years of struggle and over a dozen more concussions. This day always hits different. It’s been a long journey.
When we go through difficult things in life, it’s hard to reconcile where they fit. Like... you want to move past them & you don’t want to dwell on them, but at the same time, you have to acknowledge the fact that they have also shaped you in some way.
Part of healing is learning how to acknowledge our journey…. where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.
Early after my first TBI, when I could barely get through the day or remember anything or even get myself dressed, I never thought I'd ever get to where I am today. Doctors predicted that I may not even finish high school. Going through rehab therapies I felt so alone & afraid. But God had a plan... He has walked with me every step of the way, with gentleness and love.
Today, I have come farther than anyone thought...especially me. Even with having suffered more concussions through the years, I’ve learned, grown, and become the person I am today through all of it.
I used to be ashamed of having a brain injury. But not anymore.Even though I still struggle with symptoms- such as headaches, fatigue, vision, balance and more- I’m proud to be a survivor. More than that, I’m proud to be part of the amazing brain Injury community - who has inspired me every day & reminded me that we are not alone!
If one thing comes out of this journey, if I can help anyone else to know there is hope for them, that God loves them… then it has all been worth it.
Whatever you are going through, remember that your story doesn’t define who you are. But it DOES matter! You are the ONLY ONE with a story exactly like yours! Be encouraged. Your journey matters. God is always at work, even in ways we don’t see!
Xo, Cristabelle
Lindy Boone Michaelis
Hi Cristabelle, My name is Lindy and I have a son who survived a three story fall in 2001. He was 24 at the time and 45 now. He lives with us and we were fortunate to have received a big settlement to allow us to have caregivers and all he needs for his care. We will be at the Shepherd's Grove on Sunday, it's our home church, and I was told about your story and work in the TBI world. You may be doing the interview through zoom. I know you must be very busy but we have a website as we started a non-profit for TBI survivors called Ryan's Reach. Pat Boone is my father, Ryan is my son. http://www.ryansreach.com. We opened two group homes for TBI survivors and know that we were tapped by God to be the ones to do this. I'm excited to hear of your story and work and look forward to Sunday. Great big hug and thanks!! Your song "Hope in the Storm" moved me to tears.